Crime Stoppers needs the community’s assistance to help catch perpetrators and prevent any further home break-ins or people’s cars being stolen from their own driveway.
Aggravated burglaries and theft of motor vehicles is a public safety concern. Penalties for these crimes are significant and can include up to 25 years in jail for aggravated burglary, and up to ten years in jail.
Everyone can play a role in keeping themselves and their community safe by keeping an eye out for suspicious activity and reporting it to Crime Stoppers.
Suspicious activity may be...
- Any strangers or unknown cars on your street.
- A person looking into a home or motor vehicle through the windows or trying to open the windows or doors.
- Loud or unusual noises like a dog barking, people yelling, or alarm sounds.
- Someone walking up driveways for no apparent reason.
- Cars parks in unusual positions.
- Anything that seems out of the ordinary .
What can the community share with Crime Stoppers Victoria?
- CCTV footage of suspicious activity.
- The time and day when you saw it.
- A description of the person (age, height, hair colour, or clothing).
- A description of the vehicle (including the registration number, make, model, colour, and any distinguishing features like dents or stickers).

The CCTV of suspicious behaviour or any attempts to enter a home or vehicle can potentially help solve a local crime and prevent further criminal activity.
If you have any video footage of suspicious behaviour on your streets, you can share this with Crime Stoppers 24/7 online.
Remember: You are in control of how much information you share, and you can choose to be anonymous.
Opportunistic thieves often break into unlocked or vacant homes to steal cars. Stolen vehicles may be used to commit further offences and be damaged, destroyed or never recovered.
- Make sure your house is visible from the street so passersby and neighbours can detect any suspicious activity.
- Keep all keys, including spares, in a secure place – never leave keys in your car.
- Keep your car locked while driving park your car in a locked garage if possible – or park in your driveway or a well-lit area if they are preferred alternatives.
- Bring in your bins and collect mail regularly so your home looks lived in – ask a neighbour to bring your bin in or collect your mail if you are away for a while.
- Consider additional security measures such as security screen doors, sensor lights, a monitored alarm system and overt CCTV
If you see someone breaking into a house,
- Remain calm and remember that your safety is priority.
- Find a safe location.
- Once you are in a safe location, consider taking note of the following details:
- The individual’s appearance
- The incident’s time and date
- What activity you saw take place
- Contact Triple Zero on 000.
If the incident occurred in the past, contact the police assistance line on 131 444.
You can also contact Crime Stoppers Victoria on 1800 333 000 to share crime information anonymously.
Remember: Everyone has a role to play in keeping our community safe.
Call Triple Zero (000) immediately to report any suspicious activity in your neighbourhood.
Contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or via our online reporting page to share crime information anonymously.
If you are involved in an aggravated burglary currently, or the offender may still be present, find a safe location and contact Triple Zero (000) immediately.
If you are a victim of an aggravated burglary in the past, please call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444 and make a report.
If your car has been stolen, notify your insurance company.
You may also be entitled to apply for financial assistance from the Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal (VOCAT) for any physical or mental harm you suffer during the crime.
If you or someone you know has been affected by an aggravated burglary and need to speak with someone, please contact The Victims of Crime Helpline on 1800 819 817.
The Victims of Crime Helpline is a free service that provides advice and support with:
- Contacting the police.
- Applying for financial assistance.
- Advice on how to improve your personal safety.
- Seeking referrals to other services
The Victims of Crime website additionally provides information on the common emotional and physical reactions one may have to stressful events like crimes, suggestions to help you with recovery, how to best support a family member or friend, and how to help a child who has been affected by crime.
If you require urgent crisis support, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14.